Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Before we begin

 After many sleepless nights we have got planning approval for our new home that we will be buiding. It took 8 months and much tooing and frowing but now we can get down to business. The exciting thing is now we can start organising a schedule and ordering materials. In fact I have just paid deposits for windows and bricks as they have the longest lead times. 12 weeks for windows and 16 weeks for bricks. That means we can probably start to break dirt in 8 weeks to start on the foundations and the initial stages of plumbing and wiring. That reminds me....I have to get power connected to the site otherwise we wont have any to power the tools. Better get to it

                                   This is our block and we are building just on and over that step...looking from the back
and this is what we are building.
                                                                      and, out of this.........timbercrete.