Monday, 29 July 2013

Started at last

                    29/07/13 - We have finally started digging today. The beginnings of plumbing, piers, foundations were all started today. A very exciting time. We should have a slab for our 2 downstairs rooms by the weeks end and then foundations for the rest of the build will commence next week. Hopeful of having regular updates from now on.

  As usual for Warrandyte, we hit a few rocks. We will have a solid foundation to build of, that's for sure.

31/07/13 - Made some great progress over the last couple of days. Inspections have been done and we're ready to pour the slab for the lower level on Friday. The footings for the rest of the house will be completed next week in time for the bricklayers to start week commencing the 12th August.

Meanwhile, some rocky ground underneath has been a challenge but nothing the guys couldn't handle. Weather so far has looked after us.

  The slab went down today for our lower 2 rooms. A great first week. Hope all the trades can keep going at this pace.

   We have a bit of clean fill to get rid of. I was really surprised by the amount of excavating that need to be done. I think the extra soil will be removed sometime next week or, at the latest, Monday 12th August.